My Dog Has a Lumpy Mass Growth. Is it Cancer?

my dog has a lumpy bumb mass growth mishawaka in

Finding an unusual lump or bump on your dog can send you into a tailspin. Many dog parents automatically assume the worst and may worry their pup has a cancerous tumor. Nevertheless, lumps or a growth on your dog can often be benign. If you find a lumpy growth on your dog, you should take…

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How to Tell if My Cat is a Maine Coon or a Maine Coon Mix

is my cat a maine coon mix mishawaka in

Maine Coons are nicknamed “gentle giants” for their large size and their sweet and affectionate personalities. Maine Coons have distinctive features, and there are ways you can tell if your feline is one of them. If you did not purchase your cat from a breeder, you could still surmise whether your feline companion is a…

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Dog Microchipping: How Much is it and Should I Do It?

should i microchip my dog mishawaka in

No pet parent ever wants to experience the feeling of panic to find that their dog has gone missing, and there is little hope of them ever returning. It goes without saying that most pet parents would prefer to have a way to get their canine companions back home safely. Microchipping your pet costs between…

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My Dog’s Tongue is Pale and White. Is This Normal?

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Most pet parents do not think to check the color of their dog’s tongue when their pup gets sick or if they are acting a little off. One of the most common warnings that a dog is sick is that their gums and tongue become pale or white. So, is it normal for a dog’s…

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How Long Are Dogs Pregnant For?

how long are dogs pregnant for mishawaka in

Puppies! Everyone loves how cute, cuddly, and playful the are. For both dog breeders and pet owners alike, awaiting the birth of a new puppy can seem like forever! The good news is that a dog’s pregnancy is much shorter than a human’s. So, how long are dogs pregnant for? Typically, dogs are pregnant for…

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Are Dogs Color Blind?

are dogs colorblind mishawaka in

For decades it was common belief that dogs only saw in shades of black, white, and gray. This idea can be paced with Will Judy, publisher of Dog World magazine, who was involved with dogs all throughout his life. He is said to be the first to proclaim that dogs’ vision was poor and thought…

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6 Types of Cat Toys to Make Lazy Cats More Active

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Many people have encountered at least one lazy cat in their life. Although lazy cats are cute, they still need at least some exercise to be healthy. Unlike dogs, most cats receive the majority of their exercise through playing with toys rather than things like going for walks or playing at the dog park. Luckily,…

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What is A Dog’s Normal Temperature?

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Have you ever wondered what a dog’s normal temperature is? While you may not always need to know what your dog’s body temperature is, having a base knowledge of what is normal can really help dog owners to understand if their pup’s body temperature is too hot or too cold. So, what should your dog’s…

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Parvo in Dogs: What it is and How to Treat it

does my dog have parvo mishawaka in

Parvovirus Enteritis (PVE), caused by canine parvovirus, a severe virus in dogs. Parvovirus, commonly referred to as parvo or canine parvovirus, is highly contagious and can be fatal. The virus was discovered in 1967 and has now become a significant threat to canine health, because the virus is tough to kill and can survive at…

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Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

can dogs eat pineapple mishawaka in

Dogs love to hover around us while we are preparing food and snacks in the kitchen. We often find ourselves eating our favorite healthy treats, wondering if it would be okay to give our pup a piece, too. At one point or another, we have all asked ourselves if it is safe for our dog…

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