My Dog is Throwing Up Yellow Foam. Is This an Emergency?
Your dog is family, so keeping them safe and healthy is essential. From time to time, you may notice your pup throwing up a yellow foam or bile. Is this an emergency?
There are times when your canine throwing up yellow foam is a cause for concern. It could be due to various health conditions, including pancreatitis, gastroenteritis, or a food allergy. Sometimes, your pup pukes yellow foam because they want too long without eating. You should always keep your eyes open for any other symptoms that may be present.
Bilious vomiting syndrome is the most common cause of vomiting yellow foam or bile in dogs. If you want to understand why your canine throws up yellow foam, read this article.

What is Bile?
Bile is a yellow-to-yellow-green digestive liquid created by the liver and passed into the gall bladder. Bile enters the small intestine, just below the stomach, where it facilitates the breakdown of food for smoother digestion and absorption. If your canine is throwing-up yellow foam, it indicates that they are vomiting bile.
Why is My Canine Vomiting Yellow Foam?
There are numerous reasons why your canine is vomiting yellow foam. Most of the time, vomiting is only a temporary problem, and it should not be a concern. Nevertheless, there are instances when there may be a more significant problem in the works. The following include some possible explanations:
Bilious Vomiting Syndrome
BVS can cause vomiting in dogs, but this is unusual. It occurs due to an empty stomach, as there is irritation from the acid that is accumulated in it. A cuter name for this condition is “empty tummy syndrome.”
This condition typically occurs first thing in the morning, before the pup has had a chance to eat breakfast. Some dogs have seen an improved response by being fed before bed and in the morning. Sometimes, a change in diet is necessary.
Gastroenteritis is triggered by inflammation of the stomach lining and intestines. The condition usually results in vomiting and diarrhea. Some of the causes of gastroenteritis include:
- Your dog ate something that caused the situation, like food scraps
- Infection from something as benign as worms to something as serious as parvovirus
- Inflammatory bowel disease and dietary food intolerance triggered by an immune system reaction
- Anti-inflammatory medication which can trigger gastroenteritis and stomach ulcers
Sometimes, the dog may experience dry heaving or gagging after eating or drinking. If your pup has gastroenteritis, it may also be accompanied by tarry blood in their stool and abdominal pain.
Pancreatitis is an illness that can be acute or chronic. If your pup always begs for a bite of your bacon at breakfast, you should know that it is not a harmless habit. Foods that are greasy or high in fat can trigger pancreatitis in your precious pooch.
Viral or bacterial infections or certain medications may also cause the condition. Pancreatitis can be life-threatening, and you must get your pup to the vet right away if you see any of the following signs:
- Distended abdomen
- Lack of appetite
- Lack of energy
- Abdominal pain
- Vomiting
- Fever
Some dogs may also present with severe dehydration and sometimes collapse and shock. If your pooch has too much fat in their food, it can result in serious illness.
Intestinal Blockage
If your pooch has ingested something they should not have, such as a toy, a bone, or a large hairball, it can create a blockage in their intestine. Once your dog has thrown up all the vomit they need to empty their stomach, they may start to throw up yellow bile.
If your dog is experiencing an extreme lack of energy or serious abdominal discomfort, it could signify an intestinal blockage. You have to get your pup to the emergency vet, as an endoscopic procedure or surgery may be required to remove the blockage.
Food Allergies
Your pup may eat something they are allergic to, which can lead to them throwing up yellow bile. This situation may occur due to the introduction of new food. If you see your dog is throwing up yellow bile and you have recently switched dog food brands, you should change back to the original food. Some instances of food that they may be reacting to are:
- Red Meat
- Dairy
- Wheat
- Corn
- Chicken
- Fish
Your dog may also be allergic to corn. Sometimes, the dog can become allergic to something they have eaten for a long time. You should talk to your veterinarian about the best way to eliminate the allergen while providing adequate nutrition to your dog.
Exposure to Toxic Substances
Suppose your dog is throwing up yellow bile, and you suspect they have ingested a toxic substance, such as chocolate or human medication. In that situation, you must call your veterinarian right away. Some of the common signs of poisoning include:
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Incoordination
- Blood or unusual material in stool
- Seizures or tremors
There may also be bruising or bleeding in certain areas, such as the gums, inside the ear flaps, and inside the groin. There can be signs of poisoning that are easy to miss if you are unaware that it has occurred, such as anemia or organ damage. You must get your pup the care they need, as time is of the essence.
Eating Grass
Eating grass is usually expected for dogs, as they tend to enjoy the cool, moist vegetation. They may like it because it is naturally hydrating.
Sometimes, pups will eat grass intentionally to make themselves sick. However, consuming grass can also trigger them to throw up yellow foam. You should be sure to keep your canine from ingesting grass that has been treated with toxic chemicals.
Chronic Conditions
Dogs suffering from a chronic condition, such as kidney or liver disease, may vomit yellow bile. You should never ignore signs that your canine companion is sick, and you should always inform your vet as soon as you become aware of any changes in their behavior or health.
What Can I do for My Canine?
Most of the time, if your precious pooch is vomiting yellow bile, there is a simple fix. You should increase the number of times you give them food throughout the day by splitting their meals into smaller portions. Do not increase their food intake; give them small amounts more often. This way, there is always something in their stomach.
If your dog throws up yellow foam or bile, they could be experiencing a medical issue. However, most of the time, they are vomiting bile due to having an empty stomach. You can often prevent this problem by ensuring your pup receives proper nutrition and getting them to the vet for regular check-ups.
If your pup is puking yellow foam and has additional symptoms, it may be best to reach out to a veterinarian. For pups and pup parents in the Mishawaka, IN area, Lincolnway Vet Clinic is here to help. Give us a call at (574) 256-1871 or make an appointment online.